The Fully Realized Soul Can Deliver All the Worlds

The Spiritual Scientist
1 min readFeb 19, 2022


Srila Prabhupada has very, very kindly shared with us in his purport to Sri Caitanya Caritamrita, Madhya Lila, Chapter 8, Text 246 the following most amazing verse. He explains to us that this verse was spoken by Srila Narada Muni to Puṇḍarīka and is quoted as such in the Itihāsa-samuccaya:

janmāntara-sahasreṣu yasya syād buddhir īdṛśī
dāso ’haṁ vāsudevasya sarvāl lokān samuddharet

“After many, many births, when a person realizes that he is the eternal servant of Vāsudeva, he can deliver all the worlds.”

Can you imagine being personally empowered to deliver all the suffering souls in all the worlds? Yes, this can be accomplished if we become perfectly realized that we are the eternal servants of Vāsudeva. This should be inspiration for each and every one of us to take this process of Krishna consciousness with the utmost seriousness for the ultimate welfare of all the poor souls who are suffering in this material existence.

Are you ready to take Krishna consciousness this seriously?



The Spiritual Scientist
The Spiritual Scientist

Written by The Spiritual Scientist

The Spiritual Scientist Publishesh scientific content related to spirituality, mindfulness and life lessons.

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